HB25-1004 No Pricing Coordination Between Landlords
Summary: This bill prohibits a landlord, agent, representative, or subcontractor of a landlord to use the services of a pricing coordinator via subscription, contract, or other form of exchange. This bill also prohibits two or more landlords from engaging in “consciously parallel pricing coordination”, defined as “a tacit agreement between two or more landlords to raise, lower, change, maintain, or manipulate the price of rent to be paid by tenants.” This bill makes any violation of these prohibitions violations of the Colorado Antitrust Act.
CHC Position/Concerns: OPPOSED – The Colorado Housing Coalition opposes this bill based on the broad and vague nature of “pricing coordinator” and “consciously parallel pricing coordination” as defined in the bill. The broad definition has very few boundaries, which will make it difficult for property managers to navigate pricing properties. As written, this bill theoretically prohibits software such as the MLS, and does not offer any guidance on how to navigate pricing a property when pulling comparable pricing from websites such as Zillow.
CHC Advocacy Efforts:
January: the CHC voted on our opposition position, and registered our position with our lobbyist. We are participating in stakeholder meetings, dialogue with the bill sponsors, and, if necessary, will testify in the upcoming committee hearing on 1/29/2025.
February: the CHC proposed amendments to the bill and presented them to our lobbyist to allow us more negotiating power in our stakeholder meetings with the bill sponsors. Testified against the bill on 2/20.
Link to Bill: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb25-1004
We encourage you to reach out the Bill Sponsors and Committee Members in opposition:
Sponsor Steven Woodrow HD2 – 303.866.2967
Sponsor Javier Mabrey HD1 – 303.866.2966
Committee Chair Naquetta Ricks HD40 – 303.866.2944
Ryan Armagost HD64 – 303.866.2906
Max Brooks HD45 – 303.866.2948
Regina English HD17 – 303.866.3069
Rebecca Keltie HD16 – 303.866.2973
Sheila Lieder HD28 – 303.866.2939
William Lindstedt HD33 – 303.866.4667
Bob Marshall HD43 – 303.866.2936
Tisha Mauro HD46 – 303.866.2968
Chris Richardson HD46 – 303.866.2912
Gretchen Rydin HD38 – 303.866.2953
Larry Don Suckla HD58 – 303.866.2955
Email List for Committee and Sponsors;
steven.woodrow.house@coleg.gov, javier.mabrey.house@coleg.gov, naquetta.ricks.house@coleg.gov, ryan.armagost.house@coleg.gov, max.brooks.house@coleg.gov, regina.english.house@coleg.gov, rebecca.keltie.house@coleg.gov, shelia.lieder.house@coleg.gov, william.lindstedt.house@coleg.gov, bob.marshall.house@coleg.gov, tisha.mauro.house@coleg.gov, chris.richardson.house@coleg.gov, gretchen.rydin.house@coleg.gov, larry.suckla.house@coleg.gov
HB25-1010 Prohibiting Price Gouging in Sale of Necessities
Summary: This bill limits price increases on necessities to 10% over the average cost of the item over the previous 90 days.
CHC Position/Concerns: AMEND – The CHC wants to see an amendment to ensure this bill does not apply to real estate and rental housing.
CHC Advocacy Efforts:
February: CHC reached out to the bill sponsors requesting an amendment to the bill’s current form to carve out long-term rentals, in addition to the approved amendments carving out short-term rentals and real estate sales.
Link to Bill: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb25-1010
We encourage you to reach out the Bill Sponsors and Committee Members in opposition, pending amendments:
Sponsor Yara Zokaie HD52 – 303.866.4569
Sponsor Kyle Brown HD12 – 303.866.2920
Sponsor Mike Weissman SD28 – 303.866.4879
Naquetta Ricks HD40 – 303.866.2944
Steven Woodrow HD2 – 303.866.2967
Ryan Armagost HD64 – 303.866.2906
Max Brooks HD45 – 303.866.2948
Regina English HD17 – 303.866.3069
Rebecca Keltie HD16 – 303.866.2973
Sheila Lieder HD28 – 303.866.2939
William Lindstedt HD33 – 303.866.4667
Bob Marshall HD43 – 303.866.2936
Tisha Mauro HD46 – 303.866.2968
Chris Richardson HD46 – 303.866.2912
Gretchen Rydin HD38 – 303.866.2953
Larry Don Suckla HD58 – 303.866.2955
Email List for Committee and Sponsors;
yara.zokaie.house@coleg.gov, kyle.brown.house@coleg.gov, mike.weissman.senate@coleg.gov, naquetta.ricks.house@coleg.gov, ryan.armagost.house@coleg.gov, max.brooks.house@coleg.gov, regina.english.house@coleg.gov, rebecca.keltie.house@coleg.gov, shelia.lieder.house@coleg.gov, william.lindstedt.house@coleg.gov, bob.marshall.house@coleg.gov, tisha.mauro.house@coleg.gov, chris.richardson.house@coleg.gov, gretchen.rydin.house@coleg.gov, larry.suckla.house@coleg.gov
HB25-1019 Third Party Administration of Division of Housing Programs
Summary: This bill allows the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) to continue to contract with third-party to disburse housing assistance funds.
CHC Position/Concerns: SUPPORT – The CHC is in support of this bill as it allows Landlords to continue to work with third-party entities when dealing with emergency rental assistance funds, instead of shifting that burdene back to DOLA.
CHC Advocacy Efforts:
February: The bill passed the third reading in the Senate on 2/12, and is currently awaiting signatures to become law.
Link to Bill: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb25-1019
HB25-1090 Protections Against Deceptive Pricing Practices
Summary: The bill requires total price disclosures during advertising for rentals, requiring that all mandatory and unavoidable fees be included in “total price”. This bill also prohibits landlords and property owners from charging certain fees, such as payment processing fees, and fees that increase over the term of a lease by more than 2%.
CHC Position/Concerns: AMEND – The CHC is seeking to amend this bill, as the advertising requirements, while they work for the food and beverage industry, do not make sense for rental advertising. We fully support efforts to increase disclosure and transparency surrounding required fees and charges during the advertising and application process.
CHC Advocacy Efforts:
February: The CHC has attended multiple stakeholder meetings with bill sponsors and advisors, offering our direct feedback about advertising “best practices” for rentals, and our concerns about the overall effect of this bill on additional benefits and services property management companies offer residents as part of a lease. We have redlined the bill, and sent it with our written feedback to the bill sponsors. Testified in an amend position on 2/19.
Link to Bill: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb25-1090
We encourage you to reach out the Bill Sponsors and Committee Members in opposition, pending amendments:
Sponsor Emily Sirota HD9 – 303.866.2910
Sponsor Naquetta Ricks HD40 – 303.866.2944
Sponsor Mike Weissman SD28 – 303.866.4879
Sponsor Lisa Cutter SD20 – 303.866.4859
Javier Mabrey HD1 – 303.866.2966
Michael Carter HD36 – 303.866.2942
Ryan Armagost HD64 – 303.866.2906
Jennnifer Bacon HD7 – 303.866.2909
Jarvis Caldwell HD20 – 303.866.2191
Chad Clifford HD37 – 303.866.5510
Cecelia Espenoza HD4 – 303.866.2954
Lorena Garcia HD35 – 303.866.2964
Rebecca Keltie HD16 – 303.866.2937
Matt Soper HD54 – 303.866.2583
Yara Zokaie HD52 – 303.866.4569
Email List for Committee and Sponsors;
emily.sirota.house@coleg.gov, mike.weissman.senate@coleg.gov, naquetta.ricks.house@coleg.gov, lisa.cutter.senate@coleg.gov, javier.mabrey.house@coleg.gov, michael.carter.house@coleg.gov, ryan.armagost.house@coleg.gov, jennifer.bacon.house@coleg.gov, jarvis.caldwell.house@coleg.gov, chad.clifford.house@coleg.gov, cecelia.espenoza.house@coleg.gov, lorena.garcia.house@coleg.gov, rebecca.keltie.house@coleg.gov, matthew.soper.house@coleg.gov, yara.zokaie.house@coleg.gov
HB25-1092 Rent Increases by Landlord to Tenant
Summary: This bill clarifies that rent increases up to current market rates are legal, so long as there is supporting documentation that the new rent rate is in fact in line with current market conditions.
CHC Position/Concerns: SUPPORT – BILL DIED 2/19 IN COMMITTEE – The CHC is in support of this bill, as it clarifies that rent increases to bring a unit up to current market rate are legal and allowable. Testified in support of this bill on 2/19. This bill died in committee on 2/19.
Link to Bill: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb25-1092
HB25-1108 Prohibitions in Rental Agreements Due to Death
Summary: This bill prohibits landlords from assessing a financial penalty if a lease is broken due to death of a responsible party under a lease.
CHC Position/Concerns: MONITOR – The CHC is neutral on this bill, and will continue to monitor it as it moves through the legislatve process. If the bill changes in a way that would be detrimental to or beneficial to our membership, we will update our position accordingly.
Link to Bill: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb25-1108
Sponsor Ron Weinberg HD51 – 303.866.2947
Meg Froelich HD3 – 303.866.2921
Rebekah Stewart HD30 – 303.866.2951
Carlos Barron HD48 – 303.866.2943
Andrew Boesenecker HD53 – 303.866.2917
Jamie Jackson HD41 – 303.866.2919
Mandy Lindsay HD42 – 303.866.3911
Amy Paschal HD18 – 303.866.2932
Jacque Phillips HD31 – 303.866.2918
Chris Richardson HD56 – 303.866.2912
Larry Suckla HD58 – 303.866.2955
Alex Valdez HD5 – 303.866.2925
Steven Woodrow HD2 – 303.866.2967
Dan Woog HD19 – 303.866.2924
Email List for Committee and Sponsors;
ron.weinberg.house@coleg.gov, meg.froelich.house@coleg.gov, rebekah.stewart.house@coleg.gov, carlos.barron.house@coleg.gov, andrew.boesenecker.house@coleg.gov, jamie.jackson.house@coleg.gov, mandy.lindsay.house@coleg.gov, amy.paschal.house@coleg.gov, jacque.phillips.house@coleg.gov, chris.richardson.house@coleg.gov, larry.suckla.house@coleg.gov, alex.valdez.house@coleg.gov, steven.woodrow.house@coleg.gov, dan.woog.house@coleg.gov
HB25-1168 Protections for Domestic Violence Victim-Survivors
Summary: This bill seeks to allow personal attestation (instead of 3rd party proof) of domestic violence where rental properties are concerned. It imposes an 18-month repayment plan obligation on unpaid balances due if the victim wishes to remain in the property, requires landlords to inform tenants of their rights and if a landlord fails to do so, this could be used as an affirmative defense in an eviction hearing. Finally, landlords would not be allowed to charge tenants for damages “caused by the abuser”.
CHC Position/Concerns: AMEND – The CHC seeks to amend this bill, which fundamentally represents a lack of balance that could easily be abused by a tenant acting in bad-faith. The way the bill is currently written, it leaves property owners responsible for criminal behavior done by a resident.
CHC Advocacy Efforts:
February: The CHC has attended stakeholder meetings around this bill, and provided our major concerns with the bill as introduced. We have redlined this bill, and sent the redline plus our written feedback to the bill sponsors.
Link to Bill: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb25-1168
We encourage you to reach out the Bill Sponsors and Committee Members in opposition, pending amendments:
Sponsor Mandy Lindsay HD42 – 303.866.3911
Sponsor Cecelia Espenoza HD4 – 303.866.2954
Sponsor Mike Weissman SD28 – 303.866.4879
Meg Froelich HD3 – 303.866.2921
Rebekah Stewart HD30 – 303.866.2951
Carlos Barron HD48 – 303.866.2943
Andrew Boesenecker HD53 – 303.866.2917
Jamie Jackson HD41 – 303.866.2919
Mandy Lindsay HD42 – 303.866.3911
Amy Paschal HD18 – 303.866.2932
Jacque Phillips HD31 – 303.866.2918
Chris Richardson HD56 – 303.866.2912
Larry Suckla HD58 – 303.866.2955
Alex Valdez HD5 – 303.866.2925
Steven Woodrow HD2 – 303.866.2967
Dan Woog HD19 – 303.866.2924
Email List for Committee and Sponsors;
mandy.lindsay.house@coleg.gov, cecelia.espenoza.house@coleg.gov, mike.weissman.house@coleg.gov, meg.froelich.house@coleg.gov, rebekah.stewart.house@coleg.gov, carlos.barron.house@coleg.gov, andrew.boesenecker.house@coleg.gov, jamie.jackson.house@coleg.gov, mandy.lindsay.house@coleg.gov, amy.paschal.house@coleg.gov, jacque.phillips.house@coleg.gov, chris.richardson.house@coleg.gov, larry.suckla.house@coleg.gov, alex.valdez.house@coleg.gov, steven.woodrow.house@coleg.gov, dan.woog.house@coleg.gov
HB25-1196 Landlord Procedures for Removal of Tenants
Summary: This bill rolls back language requirements around demands, from the current standard of “English, Spanish, and any other primary language” to English, and any other language a tenant indicates is their primary language at the time they enter into a lease agreement. This bill also rolls back the change to proper service from last year, and sets it back at 1 attempt at personal service before posting in a conspicuous place.
CHC Position/Concerns: SUPPORT – The CHC is in support of this bill, as it removes some of the burdesome regulations around posting and serving demands or other notices to residents.