Colorado Property Management Blog

fence laws CO

Proposed House Bill Concerning Remote Participation in a Residential Eviction Filed in County Court

Bill Summary   For a residential eviction action filed in county court, the bill: Requires that either party may appear in person or remotely at a return, conference, hearing, trial, ...
Colorado Property management

House Bill 23-1115 Concerning the Repeal of Statutory Provisions Prohibiting Local Governments from Enacting Rent Control

Bill Summary Counties and municipalities are prohibited from enacting ordinances or resolutions that would control rent on private residential property or private residential housing units under the bill. An amendment ...

House Bill 23-1099 Concerning Tenant Screening Documentation for Residential Leases

Bill Summary A landlord must accept from a prospective tenant a portable tenant screening report (screening report). The prospective tenant must have requested a screening report from a consumer reporting ...

House Bill 23-1095 Concerning Prohibiting the Inclusion of Certain Provisions in Written Rental Agreements

Bill Summary Current law prohibits a written rental agreement from including: An unreasonable liquidated damages clause that assigns costs to a party based on an eviction notice or eviction action; ...

House Bill 23-1068 – Pet Ownership in Housing

Bill Summary    According to section 2 of the bill, insurers cannot deny coverage based on the breed or combination of breeds of dogs that reside at the insured dwelling, ...
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6 Home Improvements That Will Raise the Value of your Home

The goal of every home seller is to maximize profits when they sell their home. You could end up spending months trying to sell your house if you ask for ...