Making an appropriation to create a revolving loan fund within the Division Of Housing within the Department Of Local Affairs to make investments in transformational affordable housing. In accordance with the requirements of the act and the policies established by the Division of Housing (division) in the Department Of Local Affairs (department), the act establishes a transformational Affordable … [Continue reading...]
SB22-231 – Programs To Develop Housing Support Services
Supportive housing services for underserved communities, with a preference for rural and frontier communities to serve people with behavioral, mental health, and substance abuse disorders who have been involved with the criminal justice system, and programs to build statewide capacity for accessing supportive housing services. The Legislative Oversight Committee on the Treatment of Persons with … [Continue reading...]
HB22-1102 – Veterans And Military Status In Fair Housing
Regarding protected classes in fair housing practices, including veterans and military personnel as protected classes. BILL SUMMARY Anyone selling or renting a dwelling cannot discriminate against an individual based on their veteran or military status. It is illegal to refuse to negotiate for housing with an individual on the basis of their veteran or military status, or to deny or withhold … [Continue reading...]
HB22-1287 Protections For Mobile Home Park Residents
The purpose of this bill is to provide protections to residents of mobile home parks, and, in connection with this, to appropriate funds. This act amends the "Mobile Home Park Act" and the "Mobile Home Park Act Dispute Resolution and Enforcement Program" to: Residents of the park should be able to request the landlord or the landlord's representative to attend up to two public meetings … [Continue reading...]
HB22-1036 Improvement Location Certificate Real Estate Forms
A requirement to specify whether a form relates to a land surveyor's inspection of real estate in certain real estate commission-approved forms. BILL SUMMARY As part of the bill, the real estate commission is required to promulgate rules requiring that certain commission-approved forms for closing statements inform buyers or tenants whether a real estate transaction is based on a land survey … [Continue reading...]
HB22-1006 Child Care Center Property Tax Exemption
BILL SUMMARY To qualify for the property tax exemption for property that is used as an integral part of a child care center, the act repeals the requirement that the property must be owned for charitable purposes and not for private gain or corporate profit and that it must be irrevocably dedicated to a charitable purpose. The act specifies that only the operator's use of the property is to be … [Continue reading...]