As part of the new bill, landlords will instead be reimbursed for pet damage through a state fund.
It’s not hard to find a Colorado renter who is also a pet owner.
“Having him in the apartment is pretty essential to my day and well-being,” Blake Steinmetz said about his dog.
It is common for renters to pay pet rent along with a pet deposit in order to keep their pets with them.
“It’s a lot. It’s more money to spend. It’s kind of annoying especially when your dog just sleeps for 18 hours,” said Lauren Webster, who owns a dog.
Recent legislators introduced House Bill 23-1068, which eliminates pet rents and deposits for tenants with pets.
In the bill, the state proposes creating a $250,000 fund that would reimburse landlords – up to $1,000 – for any damage caused by pets. All reimbursements would be based on a first-come, first-served basis.
The bill estimates that after administrative costs, it would be enough to reimburse 165 landlords.
“That’s not nearly enough money. It isn’t going to cover the damage that was done to my property,” said Sue Moore with Liberty Scorecard of Colorado.
Their approach to bills is based on the concept of limited government. Additionally, Moore is a landlord.
“In my experience, the $300, $250 that I charge for a pet deposit doesn’t cover the damage a pet does,” said Moore, “I had a pet chew through two doors at one of my properties, and pets are pretty hard on lawns.”
Colorado’s Liberty Scorecard opposes HB23-1068. According to Moore, the bill may have unintended consequences for all renters.
“Ultimately, I think it’ll actually increase the rent. It’s going to make housing less affordable in Colorado, because [the proposed bill] is not going to cover the damage that happens to people’s property,” Moore said.
The pet owners we spoke to would like to see some relief for renters who cannot live without their furry family members.
“I don’t mind that deposit if we get it back, so that part I get to have that,” said Webster.
“I think tenants having to pay sometimes huge fees for their pets to live with them is kind of unjust,” said Steinmetz.